I am happy to share these wise women with you. They have helped me grow and I’m forever grateful for their knowledge and friendship. Depending where you are looking for healing, I can happily recommend each of these women.
Our relationship with food can become complicated when we don’t feel nourished in other areas of our lives. We can hunger for things like love and acceptance. Know what you hunger for and make space to nourish yourself mindfully.
Markie Keelan
Markie is from Growing Self Counseling and can help you to create authentic happiness and satisfaction in your life.
One of the most important things we could teach our children is to respect, love, and eat real food. It is the one thing other than breathing every single person must do. When our relationship with food suffers, our relationship to living suffers.
Clara Wisner
Clara from Revolutionary Lifestyle is on a forever mission to help women awaken to their innate worthiness. Clara believes that every single one of us has the ability to harness our innate power for good, healing and transformation without the focus being on “willpower” “discipline” or “hustle”, but instead on trust, self-love and surrender.
Your body belongs to you.
Christine McCarroll